General terms and definitions

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Land surveying is the art and science of establishing or reestablishing corners, lines, boundaries, and monuments of real property (land) based upon recorded documents, historical evidence, and present standards of practice.
Topography is the study of the land surface. In particular, it lays the underlying foundation of a landscape. For example, topography refers to mountains, valleys, rivers, or craters on the surface.
Land surveyors plan, direct and conduct legal surveys to establish the location of real property boundaries, contours and other natural or human-made features, and prepare and maintain cross-sectional drawings, official plans, records and documents pertaining to these surveys.
A boundary is any natural or artificial separation marking the border of two adjacent properties. A natural boundary is one existing in nature such as a river, while an artificial boundary is one created by written conveyance.
Ordered by a lender or title insurer, a Residential MLS is intended to provide proof that certain improvements are actually located on the property as described in the legal description. The survey plat must show particular information discovered from measurements taken at a site, and not necessarily evidenced by public record.
Topography is the study of the land surface. In particular, it lays the underlying foundation of a landscape. For example, topography refers to mountains, valleys, rivers, or craters on the surface.
Land surveyors plan, direct and conduct legal surveys to establish the location of real property boundaries, contours and other natural or human-made features, and prepare and maintain cross-sectional drawings, official plans, records and documents pertaining to these surveys.
Ordered by a lender or title insurer, a Residential MLS is intended to provide proof that certain improvements are actually located on the property as described in the legal description. The survey plat must show particular information discovered from measurements taken at a site, and not necessarily evidenced by public record.
Land surveying is the art and science of establishing or reestablishing corners, lines, boundaries, and monuments of real property (land) based upon recorded documents, historical evidence, and present standards of practice.
A boundary is any natural or artificial separation marking the border of two adjacent properties. A natural boundary is one existing in nature such as a river, while an artificial boundary is one created by written conveyance.

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Land surveying is the art and science of establishing or reestablishing corners, lines, boundaries, and monuments of real property (land) based upon recorded documents, historical evidence, and present standards of practice.
Topography is the study of the land surface. In particular, it lays the underlying foundation of a landscape. For example, topography refers to mountains, valleys, rivers, or craters on the surface.
Land surveyors plan, direct and conduct legal surveys to establish the location of real property boundaries, contours and other natural or human-made features, and prepare and maintain cross-sectional drawings, official plans, records and documents pertaining to these surveys.
A boundary is any natural or artificial separation marking the border of two adjacent properties. A natural boundary is one existing in nature such as a river, while an artificial boundary is one created by written conveyance.
Ordered by a lender or title insurer, a Residential MLS is intended to provide proof that certain improvements are actually located on the property as described in the legal description. The survey plat must show particular information discovered from measurements taken at a site, and not necessarily evidenced by public record.
Land surveying is the art and science of establishing or reestablishing corners, lines, boundaries, and monuments of real property (land) based upon recorded documents, historical evidence, and present standards of practice.
Topography is the study of the land surface. In particular, it lays the underlying foundation of a landscape. For example, topography refers to mountains, valleys, rivers, or craters on the surface.
Land surveyors plan, direct and conduct legal surveys to establish the location of real property boundaries, contours and other natural or human-made features, and prepare and maintain cross-sectional drawings, official plans, records and documents pertaining to these surveys.
A boundary is any natural or artificial separation marking the border of two adjacent properties. A natural boundary is one existing in nature such as a river, while an artificial boundary is one created by written conveyance.
Ordered by a lender or title insurer, a Residential MLS is intended to provide proof that certain improvements are actually located on the property as described in the legal description. The survey plat must show particular information discovered from measurements taken at a site, and not necessarily evidenced by public record.

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